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Models / Victoria Zdrok

Avg Rating: 5.0

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Victoria Loves Lucas
Lucas Frost , Victoria Zdrok
21 Photos, 20 min of video
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Portugal Passion
Victoria Zdrok
13 min of video
Would be so hot to see more of her... ;)
Thank You
Victoria was my Top 5 go-to in my youth. Today I fell across her modern, deeper work that I'd yearned for. Made me feel young again. It seems like there's nothing stopping her. My first chance it feels in 20 years to express gratitude for then, you for now and to wish you all the best success and fortune for your journey ahead :)
V is every guys dreamgirl shes the pet of the year. And to see her here as a xxx rated star is faboulus. and she is even an escort girl in New York. Would be lovely to visit her. All the best Victoria.